Caller ID Override Feature Code

Last modified: February 29, 2024
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Caller ID Override Feature (Star) Code

Note: To use this feature a request to [email protected] will need to be raised

The purpose of this feature code is to allow you to change the Caller ID being presented on a call-by-call basis.
For example, if you have different department numbers or different business numbers you would like to be present as your outgoing Caller ID, you can use the feature code to do so.

How it works

To enable this feature within your tenancy, you will need to e-mail [email protected] with a request containing the DID numbers you would like to be able to present with the feature code up to a maximum of 9 numbers.

Once the feature has been set up for your account, you will be able to dial out from your phone using the following prefix to change the CallerID used:

* 2 {index 1-9} {destination number}

For example: * 21 0894883344

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