External Phone Number Transfers from Auto Attendant or Queue

Last modified: January 18, 2023
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How to configure call forward to an external PSTN phone number from a call queue or auto attendant (AA).

To make this work, the resource user attached to the AA or Queue must have the following applied:

  • Virtual Phone System User License (if not done yet) more Info
  • Online Voice Routing Policy
  • Phone number

We’ve found applying a Voice Routing Policy to a resource user can take a number of hours, so please be patient.


# !!! Change the three values below as required !!!
$user = "[email protected]"
$userovrp = "MyCloudVoIP-VRP-WA"
$usernumber = "+61899999999"
Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity $user -PolicyName $userovrp
Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity $user -PhoneNumber $usernumber -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting
Get-CsOnlineUser $user | select UserPrincipalName,OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy,OnPremLineURI
<#Please note:
Applying the actual changes in MS backend can take quite some time until it is ready (a number of hours)


When setting up the external number in your AA or Call Queue, please enter the phone number in +e164 format, ie +61899999999



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